Thursday, February 5, 2009

Congress at it again!

Congress does not seem to be able to get out of the way of itself. Both sides seemed to be doing politics as usual. The Democrats now think it is their turn. After several years of being shut out of offering the programs they believe would be beneficial it seems like they are trying to put many of them in one bill.

Lest you think this only occurs with the Democrats in power it only takes a short trip in history. When the Republicans were in power they shoved anything they could through over the Democrats with the president merrily signing the legislation. Remember, that is how we got in this mess. The difference is at that time, the public wasn't paying as much attention because we were not in one of the worst financial crisis' of our time. Now we are.

The problem is that this President is wanting to have compromise as part of the new Washington. It doesn't seem to be working. After putting in compromise tax cuts into the stimulus package the Republicans don't think it is enough. They still want a Republican stimulus bill. To that end, they are shooting at the stimulus package with everything they have. Of course, the Democrats have put enough measures in the bill to shoot at.

My point is that I don't care how much time you spend on a bill, there will always be something in there that each representative doesn't like. A person can always find lines or provisions in the bill to make headlines. It is time to just get on with it and to pass something. Each day the economy goes more and more in the tank while Congress continues to add things and to shoot down things day after day.

The Republican party has decided it is going to be the "opposition party." It doesn't want to be seen as weak if they compromise. Get over it! Do something for the overall good of the country and not your self interest. I am not sure that is possible. After all what can you expect from a scorpion. It is their nature.

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